This past week has been really rough – tropical breezes, fresh caught seafood, and native Hinano & Tabu beer from Tahiti. Next time you're lucky enough to trek across the Pacific for some much needed R&R here, upon arrival you'll notice Hinano seems to be the national drink of choice. Hinano logos are emblazoned atop grocery markets, on beer glasses served at restaurants, and all over souvenirs. You might find it to be your drink of choice too, as opposed to Tabu, depending if you prefer Heineken or MGD.
The Washdown:
- like a Heineken, crisp carbonation, refreshing 'n smooth with slight citrus taste and notes of corn Hinano Lager (Brasserie de Tahiti S.A. in French Polynesia) 5% ABV
- like a Miller Genuine Draft, more malty & honey in color, medium bodied and grassy Tabu Lager (Brasserie de Tahiti S.A. in French Polynesia) 5% ABV