My latest Whole Foods pint discovery, Kick, a "Lips of Faith" series from New Belgium Brewery is a genius collaboration with Elysian Brewing Company for the holiday season. Pumpkin meets Cranberry for some juicy fruity goodness that's got a kickin' tart flavor, but also borders on the legs of a sweet Lambic.
The Washdown:
- grapefruity nose, lightly carbonated, cinnamon & tangy taste with a frothy head that fizzles fast, Kick "Lips of Faith" (Fruity Ale by New Belgium Brewery in Fort Collins, Colorado) 8.5% ABV
This beer just might be the next best thing to get you through Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Its high alcohol content & freaky Jackolantern design makes it fit for any poppin' party, and its seasonal pumpkin 'n cranberry flavors makes it fit for your next family gathering.
Pint Advice: Start stockin' up now!
Thanks for the write up! Kick is one of my new favorites, just sour enough to sharpen the edge of the cranberry and enough malt and pumpkin to make it stand up straight. Cheers!
Posted by: @carnie_nbb | 10/26/2011 at 10:32 AM
Hi,really great information here!
Posted by: elastilash | 11/22/2011 at 01:17 AM